We are committed to reforestation

Why are we doing this?

We are convinced that heating with wood is sustainable and future-proof.

This is because wood is a renewable and regionally available raw material that is also CO2-neutral. This means that when wood is burned, only as much carbon dioxide is released as the plant has absorbed during its lifetime and would have released anyway during the natural decomposition process.

However, these arguments are of course only valid if it is actually ensured in practice that the forests are used sustainably and regularly reforested.

Graphik Co2 Kreislauf Heizen mit Holz

How do we get involved?

For the third time now, we are refraining from giving our customers “material” gifts at Christmas and are instead planting trees with our Christmas budget.

In 2020, we planted around 1,000 trees in a forest near Neunkirchen am Sand and lent a hand ourselves:

In 2022, we planted over 2,500 seedlings in a forest adjacent to our clay pit, including sessile oaks, hornbeams, sweet chestnuts, wild pears, black locust trees and red oaks.


Video series with forester Elena Schmidtmeyer

We would also like to contribute to making the topic of “reforestation” more visible to the general public. Therefore, we have produced a series of video clips with a forester that answer many interesting questions on the subject.

You can find the videos below and on our YouTube channel:

The forester introduces herself.

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Why is a healthy forest important?

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How can I get involved for the forest?

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Why does reforestation make sense?

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How long should a tree remain standing?

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How can we use wood as sustainably as possible?

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Why is heating with wood sustainable?

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Is climate change affecting our forests?

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What does hunting have to do with protecting our forests?

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More blog posts

Warum ist Aufforsten sinnvoll?

Why does reforestation make sense?

Why does reforestation make sense? This question was answered by forester Elena Schmidtmeyer in an interview: https://youtu.be/qe8TYffe5Bg Reforestation is usually carried out when there are

Wie kann ich mich für den Wald engagieren?

How can I get involved for the forest?

How can I get involved for the forest? This question was answered by forester Elena Schmidtmeyer in an interview: https://youtu.be/dbUzCEQq1iE If you want to do


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