Tradition with a pioneering spirit

1856 to 1877
Lorenz Wolf - A pioneer of the German fireclay industry
Lorenz Wolf

Wolfshöher Tonwerke - Quality since 1856

Around the middle of the 19th century, the brickworks owner Lorenz Wolf, located in Schnaittach, supplied the gasworks in Nuremberg, among others, with his products. It was here that he first became acquainted with refractory bricks, which were needed on a large scale for the construction of furnaces, but until then had to be purchased from England at very high prices. The bricks immediately aroused his particular interest, as he had often come across traces of refractory clay on his way to Nuremberg. Lorenz Wolf recognized his opportunity and founded a fireclay production plant in Rollhofen in 1856. This makes Wolfshöher Tonwerke one of the oldest manufacturers of refractory products in Germany.

Lorenz Wolf founded Wolfshöher Tonwerke in 1856, making him one of the pioneers of the German fireclay industry.

1877 to 1911
Georg Wolf - On the road to success in the empire
Georg Wolf

1878: Plant I - mechanical improvements
In 1878, the year of the founder's death, the still small but well-developed plant was passed on to his son Georg Wolf. Thanks to his pronounced technical nature, he succeeded in making significant improvements to the machinery and thus considerably increased the quality and output of the production.

1897: Plant II - A dedicated railway connection
The construction of the new Neunkirchen-Simmelsdorf railroad line in 1897 gave the company a railway connection, an advantage that should not be underestimated in those days without motor vehicles. Plant II was built right next to the Rollhofen railroad station. Here, the focus was on the production of fireclay bricks, while Plant I exclusively produced iron clinker bricks.

1902: Regional sources of raw materials become company property
The company received a further significant boost in 1902 with the purchase of the clay pit in Großbellhofen. Georg Wolf thus secured a long-term raw material base for his production. Expanded by additional purchases, it still forms the basis for the consistent quality and reliability of Wolfshöher products today. At this time, around 200 people were employed and by the beginning of the First World War, the sales area already covered the whole of southern Germany, northern Switzerland and western Austria.

Georg Wolf senior, the youngest son of company founder Lorenz Wolf, expanded the family business into a modern industrial company.

1911 to 1945
Through wars and crises

Foundation of "Wolfshöher Tonwerke GmbH"
In 1911, the three sons, Lorenz, Jakob and Georg Wolf, became shareholders in the company after completing their technical and commercial training and founded "Wolfshöher Tonwerke GmbH". A new period of development began, in which the achieved market position was secured through rationalization and quality improvement measures, despite the abrupt interruption caused by the war and post-war incidents. Thanks to the solid foundations of Wolfshöher Tonwerke, both financially and technically, setbacks resulting from the world wars were unable to shake the company's foundations.

Lorenz Wolf (left) managed the company's sales points in Nuremberg and Munich. Jakob Wolf (center) took care of the technical aspects of the factories. Georg Wolf (right) was responsible for the commercial part.

1946 to 1988
New beginning and revival

Modernization of production
After Wolfshöher Tonwerke had survived the difficult post-war years, the company benefited from the general economic upturn. Hubert Wolf joined Wolfshöher Tonwerke in 1949 and shaped the company's development until the 1980s. As the only surviving member of the fourth generation, he expanded the company's customer base in the 1950s and began to modernize its production facilities. In the mid-1960s, Georg Wolf, a representative of the fifth generation, joined the company. As a trained engineer, he systematically accelerated the modernization process at the plant.

Hubert Wolf (left) joined Wolfshöher Tonwerke in 1949 and shaped the development of the company until the 1980s. Georg Wolf (right) adjusted the product range to include high-quality niche products and continued to modernize the factory and plants.

1989 to 2016
Sub Label
Modernization and expertise in the niche

The chamotte specialists
Hubert Wolf stepped down from management at the beginning of 1988 due to illness. The commercial management of Wolfshöher Tonwerke was taken over by Konrad Kügel, who was appointed Managing Director in February 1988. Georg Wolf handed over the management of the company to his daughter Ulrike Wolf in September 2007. Konrad Kügel and Ulrike Kutscha-Wolf also continued to invest heavily in the modernization of production, relying, among other things, on machines developed specifically for the company and as much in-house expertise as possible - which from then on was clearly visible to the outside with the company claim "The chamotte specialists".

Konrad Kügel (left) successfully renewed the company structure. Ulrike Kutscha-Wolf (right) was responsible for monitoring and developing the ceramic processes as a ceramics engineer.

2017 until today
Sub Label
A wind of change to the traditional company

Wolfshöher Tonwerke today

In January 2017, two family members, Carolin Kügel and Axel Wolf, once again took over the management of the company. The Bavarian company with 100 employees has now been in family hands for 161 years.

As former plant manager, Axel Wolf (right) provides years of expertise in the areas of production and technology. Carolin Kügel (left) enriches the team with experience in the areas of strategy, marketing and management. In 2022, Manuela Lutz (center) became the first external managing director in the history of Wolfshöher Tonwerke. After initially replacing Carolin Kügel during her parental leave, she is now contributing her expertise in the areas of administration and finance.

Together, the management will ensure even closer integration of the sales and technology divisions and lead the traditional family business into a hopefully continued successful future with creativity and a focus on solutions.


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