How can I get involved for the forest?

This question was answered by forester Elena Schmidtmeyer in an interview:

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If you want to do something good for the forest, it makes sense first and foremost to minimize your own greenhouse gas emissions and urge politicians to take decisive action against the climate crisis. If you would like to make a specific contribution, you can do so through various organizations such as “Foresters4Future” or the “Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald”. Or by contacting your local forestry office and asking how you can support forest maintenance. Another suggestion that may seem a little unusual at first: buy regional game meat. Thereby, you help to ensure that wildlife populations are adapted so that young trees can grow and at the same time animals are protected from overpopulation, which is definitely beneficial to their health. And you yourself can enjoy meat from animals that have not been kept in factory farming, without the use of medication or coercion, and have been able to live carefree lives in freedom.

The background to the interview:

We are committed to reforestation. One way of doing this is to make donations and to plant trees. On the other hand, we also contribute to making the topic of “reforestation” more visible to the general public. We interviewed forester Elena Schmidtmeyer and filmed a series of video clips with her that answer many interesting questions on the subject.

Why do we get involved and how exactly do we do it? Please read our separate article here.

Would you like to watch all the videos with forester Elena Schmidtmeyer now? You can already find them on our YouTube channel.

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