A baking stove for the elementary school in Neunkirchen am Sand

The elementary school in our home town had long wanted a baking stove.

This year we were finally able to make this wish come true.

We provided our REMUS Duo 6090 double decker baking stove at a reduced price and had our field representative and master stove fitter Daniel Reisinger carry out the installation completely free of charge.

He accompanied and supported the entire project over several months, from the planning stage, a workshop with the 4th grade students up to the professional assembly recently in September.

He accompanied and supported the entire project over several months, from the planning stage, a workshop with the 4th grade students up to the professional assembly recently in September.

The children from the elementary school were able to witness the construction and even take part in some of it. Thereby, they not only learned about the profession of stove fitter, but also how a wood-burning baking stove works.

Projekttage Backofenbau an der Grundschule Neunkirchen am Sand

The project was primarily funded by the LAG Nürnberger Land with the Leader program, as well as by a large donation from the Lions Club and several sponsoring companies. In addition to us, the following parties were involved: the Speikern Sand- und Erdenwerk in the foundation of the baking stove, Dressely company in the roof and the family Fabian in the base. The remaining costs were borne by FANS e.V. (Friends of the Neunkirchen School).

In future, the baking stove will be used for educational purposes, such as baking lessons, community-building projects and also for events for the entire community.

We think that this was a completely successful project! Thanks to everyone who has worked hard to make this happen! Have fun baking and, above all, bon appétit!

Beispiel eines fertig aufgebauten REMUS

Children's voices on the project

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